shetland wool week 2016

Hello! I’m sorry I haven’t posted sooner after Shetland Wool Week, what a crazy week it was! I felt like it just flew by. I did two classes and a talk and of course I was working at J&S the whole week. I really did try but failed to take too many pictures but I thought I’d share some of the pictures I did get through the week..

the wool week banner at the museum
the wool week banner at the museum
some of my knitwear at my class on the Sunday
some of my knitwear at my class on the first Sunday
a few photos in the new Sheila McGregor cabinet
a few photos in the new Sheila McGregor cabinet at the Museum
there were a couple of crofthooses at my class on Sunday
Oliver and his Oh Henry chocolate bar, how we laughed!
Oliver and his Oh Henry chocolate bar, how we laughed!
Crofthoose Hats
Crofthoose Hats
one of my favourite things about Wool Week - te Annual!
one of my favourite things about Wool Week – the Annual!
Sunday Teas
Sunday Teas
some of my dads pictures at the Makers Market
some of my dads pictures at the Makers Market
a naturally dyed and handspun crofthoose hat and mitts set, it was so soft!
a naturally dyed and handspun crofthoose hat and mitts set, it was so soft!
organic hap at Vaila Fine Art
organic hap at Vaila Fine Art
mini haps by Ina Irvine and prizewinning fleece
crofthoose hats
crofthoose hats

It was really a great week, but so incredibly busy – I’m still getting over it! The shop (J&S) was mental everyday but its such a good way to see everyone that’s up that we probably met almost everyone! I was quite surprised how shy I felt though, I suppose I’m not used to doing speeches and talks although I was really pleased with how they went* it was probably just the quantity of people I was meeting that make me feel quite overwhelmed. Also I was ridiculously nervous for my speech at the opening ceremony..

I can’t really put into words how weird (in a good way!) it was to see so many Crofthoose Hats, at the opening ceremony they asked everyone who had one to hold it up – I couldn’t believe how many I saw, I am still so happy with the design and really proud of what I have done this year. Being the Wool Week patron has given me a confidence in my skills and helped me to believe maybe I can do this designing stuff…

Anyway I’m going to have a bit of a rest and do some selfish knitting, speak soon!


*I’m working on putting my talk into an article for those who were vexed it wasn’t streamed so ill let you know when I know more!

14 thoughts on “shetland wool week 2016

  1. So glad to hear that you survived your classes & your talk. Thanks for sharing photos of the week. Did an American bring the Oh Henry! chocolate bar, or do you have them over there? Oliver was certainly a good sport about it & now he will probably get loads of chocolate bars from people when they visit the store for tours. I’ll look forward to seeing the article about your talk in 60 North.

  2. Thank you for the lovely crofthoose pattern Ella. I’m a quilter, not a proficient knitter and have never aspired to fairisle, but I fell in love and had to try. The first one took three weeks. The second took a week and I’ve just ordered the wool for the third colourway! Congratulations on what sounds like a wonderful and successful year.

  3. It was a glorious week and thank you for your part – or rather parts- in it. You did not come over as nervous as you felt! Looking forward to the next one, less than a year now!

  4. Thank you Ella for your talk, although it was fast spoken for not native english speakers, it was full off inspiration! It was nice to meet you at J&S . We keep in touch for my article in the dutch magazine about the Woolweek. Greetings from the Netherlands

  5. Thanks for all the lovely photos! Can’t wait to cast on the crofthoose mitts – was able to have an annual mailed to Minnesota which made me feel. In a very small way, a part of it all! Someday!

  6. It is lovely to see the beautiful pictures from Shetland Wool Week 2016. I will really look forward to one day reading the article of your talk. Thanks!

  7. Super!! What a blast, yes, NAP!! Great photos and looking foreward to the article, am sure you were fine with your speech.

  8. You are amazing. Couldn’t believe u remember what I bought a few days before when I showed you a ball of yarn I thot I needed. Loved the Croat house design. Keep up the good work!

  9. The Crofthouse hats were brilliant. I loved the fact that we could easily recognise fellow Wool Weekers in the street, and I marvel at the wonderful different colour ways there were. My matching mitts are almost complete. Many thanks to you and everyone else involved in making it such a special week.

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