
Hello everyone, last night I went down to Sumburgh Head with my Mam, Dad and smallest niece. On the Shetland mainland if you want to see puffins Sumburgh Head is the place to go. I’ve had very little motivation in taking photos over the past few years – sometimes it just seems like too much effort but last year after an unsuccessful trip down to Sumburgh I decided to buy a zoom lens so this was my first try with that and I thought you might like to see some pictures of the funny little creatures that puffins are:

Aren’t they so cute? if you’ve never seen one, they are tiny – like they could sit in your hand comfortably. I always think they just don’t look real and I will never believe they are!

I have struggled recently with finding beauty in Shetland, you may or may not be aware a considerable section of the middle of Shetland is currently being turned into the largest wind farm in Europe. Over 100 windmills are currently being put up and you will probably be able to see them from every point in Shetland. More are planned in different places but the heartbreak many Shetlanders feel cannot be underestimated. Even if you are not a big nature person the scale of it is crazy, I’m not against windmills – we have five near where I stay and I quite like them, but over 100? in such a small space.. it beggars belief. If Shetland was benefiting I could maybe stomach it but all the power they produce will be taken out of Shetland onto the national grid while we have our landscape decimated and some of the highest energy bills in the UK.

Somehow recently seeing any niceness here has felt painful because we know what we are losing. I will get used to them I’m sure but I wish I didn’t have to. I’m not looking for pity but an awareness that actually living in Shetland is not the dreamworld it maybe seems on Social Media.

My heart hurts about it and probably will for a long time.

But last night, as I looked at a puffin with the orange light of the setting sun, sparkled on the sea behind it I felt ok, just for a moment.

speak soon x

19 thoughts on “puffins

  1. They’re beautiful, and so funny! Your photography makes them seem as though they’re posing for you, which obviously they aren’t — but imagine? Re: the windmills. The landscape of my childhood was covered with them and also a giant solar farm. The agriculture is gone, the entire skyline is filled with windmills, and they have destroyed not only the landscape, but the property value of the already struggling residents. My heart aches for you. <3

  2. Dear Ella,
    My heat hurts with you and I feel your pain. What you have described is very invasive.
    Don’t stop sounding your experience, continue raising consciousness, you are not alone.
    Stay strong and know you are admired for your sensitivity and courage.

  3. I loved seeing the photos of the puffins. I’m so sorry to hear about the wind farm! Ugh! Please post if there is anything we can do to help support your cause.

  4. Dear Ella,

    Thank you for sharing your puffins with me!   The photos are gorgeous!  And I had no idea puffins were so little, I always imagined th

  5. Oh thank you for sharing the photos of the little Puffins ~ They are SO cute!
    I am sorry to hear about the wind farm. They are east of us here on the plains of Colorado and the effects are awful. I feel terrible for the wildlife here and there in your area.
    Take care, Ella!

  6. Oh that is distressful. I still think Shetland is where I would depart for should the need arise. seriously, I mean it.
    SO much there despite the wind farm. Hang in there, go to the beach, see Puffins, go to the PUB! Love from here.

  7. Hi Ella, I totally sympathize with you. I was in Shetland (and even got to meet you) in 2018 and fell In love with it. I did see the few windmills then and can’t imagine the impact of so many more. It’s truly awful. You should all get credit for supplying the energy to the rest of the UK.

    Thank you so much for sharing the cute and amazing puffins; it really brightened my day.

  8. They are lovely. Last year I went to Shetland with my family (from Sweden) and directly from AirPort we went to Sumburgh looking for puffin. We saw lots of them and I didn’t believe my eyes. Best regards from Harriet

  9. Those are wonderful photos of the puffins Ella, and thanks for reminding us of their size because I think we tend to think that they are seagull sized as photos do not give anything for the brain to work on. I am so sorry that Shetland is being decimated by the wind farms and the only comforting thing that I can think to say is that each wind generator is forcing the exploiters to leave some of the oil in the ground and for that I am deeply grateful. As to the cost of your power, that is definitely a political issue and the population of Shetland should take control of the power generated by the wind (and tides) and sell only the power that you have in excess of your needs! Start the revolution!

  10. Ella, your puffin photos are delightful. However, the news about the huge wind farm is horrifying. How can this go ahead when so many island residents are opposed? Wind turbines have many downsides, not the least of which is their impact on local bird populations.

    1. It’s been fought for years, all opposition was overruled by the Scottish government. They are already being built and going up daily, all 103 will be up by the end of the year. We all hoped for years it wouldn’t happen but money talks a lot more than care for shetlanders. 😢

      1. I’m so sorry for you and all the other residents. You must feel betrayed by the Scottish government.

  11. What wonderful photos of the puffins, Ella! And how outrageous to have your landscape spoiled. The very least the government could do is lower the energy costs for the Shetlanders. The people must find a way to have their voices heard.

  12. Thank you for the wonderful Puffin pictures. Seeing the puffins was a special treat when I was in Shetland in 2016 and I hope to see them again when I am in Shetland for Wool Week.

  13. your photos of the puffins are absolutely wonderful – the extra lens did the trick what distance did you take the photo from.
    So sorry to read about so many wind farms they are noisy and a eyesore and it will spoil the natural suroundings of Shetland

  14. Thank you for the beautiful puffins photos and the information about their size. I always envisioned them as penguin size for some reason!

    I am so so sorry to hear your beautiful land will be covered with way too many windmills! Can everyone sign a protest petition? I would certainly sign. This is a terrible decision on someone’s part! Just devastated for you and your island.

  15. Thanks so much for raising awareness about this. It’s a huge shock. Your photos are exquisitely beautiful, and I can understand the bittersweet nature of savouring their beauty. Thank you for striving to look for the good, it sits there amongst the powerlessness and grief. I appreciate your honesty, words and pictures. I will be visiting in September and look forward to appreciating the experience, and it helps to know a bit more about what Shetlanders are going through xx

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